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Drainage Surrey: Your Quality CCTV Drain Survey Service In Puttenham, Surrey

Drainage Surrey employs advanced CCTV drain inspection unit to offer you a comprehensive survey of your drainage system. Our state - of - the art CCTV system allows us to diagnose your drainage system problem with unexcelled accuracy.

Give Us A Call Now. If There Is A Problem With Your Drainage, Our CCTV Drain Survey Service In Puttenham Can Catch It

  • Our specialists only work with the most advanced surveillance cameras
  • We inspect your drainage problem's such as displaced joints and poorly laid pipes
  • Our commitment to excellence, starting with our thorough inspections have made us the go - to name in drainage in Puttenham

Some Of The Specialist Solutions We Provide Are

A Technique That Is Environmentally Friendly

Our highly specialized CCTV cameras take images and send them to our van analysis unit

To discover the state and structural status of your drains or sewer, our professionals will examine the images.

The process is not only simple and effective, but also poses no risks to your environment and property.

CCTV Drain Survey Experts In Puttenham

At Drainage Surrey, we have become very adept at using this complex technology. We believe the specialised CCTV equipment we use is one of the best in the world Because we are committed to providing first - rate results in CCTV drain sewer inspection, we have spent resources adopting industry best practices.

Drainage Surrey's drainage surveys are packaged with an easy - to - read report, and a viewable DVD; we want you to see your drain for yourself, before you make any decisions.

Our Home Services In Puttenham Can Assist In

Presence Of Rodents In The Drains

Is your home infested with pesky rodents? Our system for CCTV inspection can help

The easiest way for rats to gain access into your property is through your drainage system.

Rats are quick to take advantage of any flaw in your drainage system by gnawing into them and creating various access points.

Iso Accreditation Drain Survey

Drainage Surrey specializes in using its high - tech machines and superior expertise to provide you drainage survey and CAD drawings that for ISO14001 accreditations as stipulated in the current legislation.

Top - Tier CCTV System's Is What We Are About - Your Local Puttenham experts Panoramo A 360B0 Drain CCTV examination Designed For Effectiveness And Speed

At Drainage Surrey, we love innovation, and we have pioneered new technology like the panoramic CCTV drain inspection camera in Puttenham. Normally, the CCTV cameras used by others depend on the user to record and see images whereas; it takes Panoramo just a quick pass to capture every detail

The Panorama camera has a 35 cm/s speed And apart from the ability to quickly map the drain or sewer, it has a memory for recording the data. The information from the inspection can be analysed or referred to later.

Use Less Time And Money With Lisy

The LISY sat cam built specifically for CCTV survey of lateral drains and sewers, is our equipment of choice at Drainage Surrey. Using this technology, surveillance work on your drainage system can be done at much higher speeds and at lower costs With it, we find no need for access into individual properties, as it makes it possible for us to inspect sewers and lateral drains directly from the mainline.

LISY can go up to a hundred meters inside the main sewer Our LISY sat cam technology has impressed even water companies in charge of private sewers, where it's become standard. Our Software Helps Us Do Two Things Deliver A Great Job And Offer Customers An Affordable Service

Our experts can easily get around large properties and carry out comprehensive drain survey because our CCTV equipment are mobile, battery - operated, high - tech, and cordless. By using this equipment we enable our customers to enjoy reduced costs and faster completion of jobs

Pin - Point Analysis With Laser Pipe Profiling

Our CCTV equipment is also fitted with lasers to enable us to know the shape of your drain or sewer Any change from the initial round profile of the pipe is recorded

Other conditions that can be recorded by the profiler are the size of the pipe, erosion, debris accumulation, distortion, holes, lateral protrusions and more. It's sensitivity allows it to identify abnormalities as tiny as 1mm.

Proteus CCTV Equipment For Environments Prone To Explosions

Proteus is an ATEX - rated camera that allows us to work in a high - risk environment. A good example of an environment that requires the use of spark free tools like Proteus is Zone 2 public sewers and their likes, where combustible substances may be lurking. Contact Drainage Surrey Today And Enjoy Our Affordable Premium CCTV Drain Service In Puttenham

We are not just another drainage service that offers CCTV survey. We at Drainage Surrey have worked for years to achieve an enviable status in Puttenham. From the onset, our goal has always been to deliver quality, excellence, and affordability with our service.

And even now, we still constantly aim for higher standards with our CCTV technology.

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